AM vectorial

Asset Manager

Tool to manage all your assets and tasks.

You will be able to know the status of each of your assets and plan maintenance; assign work orders, manage resources, stock, receive alerts, and view them on a map.

EM vectorial

Event Manager

Tool to manage events quickly and efficiently. CAD. PSIM.

Any alert will be received and managed by multiple users in multiple work areas, with full access on the map, resource management, and reporting.

IoT vectorial

IoT Monitor

Tool for monitoring infrastructure, devices, and IoT management.

View and manage devices, analyze data, real-time monitoring, generate reports, obtain information, schedule alerts, visualize on a map, and more.

UM vectorial

Urban Monitor

Tool to interact with citizens or a group of people.

Report and receive updates on news and events of multiple types, interact with local government and other people, and view everything on an interactive map.